Butter churn

Butter churn exh.jpg


Butter churn


"My memory goes back to when I was about 7 years old & to our village in India. Mum would make / set the yogurt in an earthenware pot at night, wrap the pot up in an old blanket – to keep it warm - & leave it to set all night.

First thing in the morning, she would start to churn the set yogurt with using the plunger. Lo & behold, about 10 minutes later a white solid mass would start to form at the top.

As kids, we always wanted to be the first one to taste the fresh white butter – perfect with parathas or just on its own with a bit of sugar. The buttermilk made a delicious cooling drink & any liquid left was used for cooking. Nothing was wasted.

We had a couple of buffalos in the yard & as it turns out, buffalo milk is high in protein & fat content thus best for making butter. This is the same churn my mum used – what sweet memories!"

Words by Kanta Gopal


Kanta Gopal


20th century


Kanta Gopal

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