Civil War Ramparts Plaque



Civil War Ramparts Plaque


From capital to conquest: Oxford’s Civil Wars


Set in front of a prize-winning modern building, this plaque records a time of turmoil when Oxford became the royalist capital during the Civil Wars of the 1640s. Fleeing disloyal London, king Charles I moved to the City, living in Christ Church. His court and followers were accommodated in other colleges and University buildings. Oxford was besieged three times before it was captured by the parliamentary troops. The Royal ramparts defending the north of the City ran through this site and have been recently identified in the building work at Rhodes House.

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Fergus Wessel


Museum of Oxford


Photo credit: Anna Clark

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A circular stone plaque with a metal star at its centre. The inscription reads 'Line of the ramparts built to defend Oxford as the headquarters of King Charles I during the Civil Wars 1642-1649'.

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