Oxford University Press



Oxford University Press


A model factory


Built in the 1820s, the Clarendon Press was a model factory set down in Oxford. In the nineteenth century, it became famous for two quite different reasons: it was the home of that great patron of the Pre-Raphaelites Thomas Combe (1796-1872), and it was the base for one of the biggest Bible-printing businesses in the world. From Oxford Bibles and Prayer Books were sent out across the British Empire. In the twentieth century, the market for such religious texts declined and was replaced by educational books.

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Museum of Oxford


Photo credit (image 1): Jonas M, CC0 1.0

Photo credit (image 2): Printing house, Oxford University. Etching by H. le Keux, 18 Wellcome V0014683, Wikimedia CommonsCC BY 4.0

Alt text

Image 1: A large stone building with columns, a clock face and three entrance archways. A sign reads 'Oxford University Press'.

Image 2: An etching of a large stone building with columns. In front of the building, horses and livestock walk on the road and men in academic clothing gather.

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