Wolvercote paper mill

Wolvercote paper mill.png


Wolvercote paper mill


Wolvercote paper mill


Closed in 1998 and demolished a few years later, Wolvercote Mill was just one of several sources of paper for Oxford University Press. With its global reach, OUP had an insatiable desire for the stuff – and especially for what became known as Oxford India paper, the thinnest available, which enabled the Bible to be reduced to a small and easily portable text.

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Photo credit: © "Photograph of paperstack at Wolvercote Paper Mill, c.1960s. from the OUP Archives", "By permission of Oxford University Press", https://global.oup.com, https://global.oup.com/academic/rights/permissions/?cc=gb&lang=en&

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A man pushes a pallet on which is a large stack of paper almost as tall as he is. In black and white.

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