Wild Water Code



Wild Water Code


A poster of the Wild Water Code, released in 2019 by the Oxford Water Safety Group. The poster was designed to promote personal safety while swimming in Oxford's waters.




Oxford Water Safety Group

Alt text

A poster with a blue background and white and yellow text and graphics. In the top left corner is a yellow triangle with the words 'Wild Water Code' inside it. To the left of this is some white text, which reads: 'Stay safe if swimming wild: remember the risks and look after yourself and your friends'. Below this, the poster is divided into six sections in a 3x2 grid by dotted white lines:
1. A yellow graphic of a person in the water with a distressed expression and their arms raised and snowflakes surrounding them. Text reads: 'Wild water: cold water and strong currents'.
2. A yellow graphic of a foot underwater stepping on a broken bottle. Text reads: 'Hidden dangers: what's underneath?'
3. A yellow graphic of a person in the water tipping a bottle into their mouth. Text reads: 'Don't drink and drown: drink, drugs and swimming don't mix'.
4. A yellow graphic of a person in the water beside a high ledge. Text reads: 'Look before your leap: can you get out again?'
5. A yellow graphic of a person jumping into water which has rocks underneath its surface. Text reads: 'Rock bottom: don't jump into shallow water'.
6. A yellow graphic of a finger tapping a smartphone which has '999' displayed on its screen. Text reads: call 999 and ask for fire'.

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