Swimming outfit designed by a participant of the 'Dressed to Swim' workshop.



Swimming outfit designed by a participant of the 'Dressed to Swim' workshop.


A reversible swimming outfit designed by a participant of the 'Dressed to Swim' workshop (held at the Museum of Oxford on 29th July 2023 as part of the Dive In! exhibition programme).

The primary design is that of a shark splashing into water. The outfit can also be turned inside-out to reveal another wearable design.


29th July 2023

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A hand-drawn design of a one-piece swimming outfit that cuts off in shorts. The colours range in blue from a greyish teal blue to navy. The primary design involves a shark splashing into water. The design details appear unfinished, as the colours do not extend all the way down the costume. A pencil-drawn repeating pattern of fish is shown on the bottom half of the design. The design can be turned inside out 'for a different pattern', which is shown in the top right corner on a small drawing of the outfit coloured in green. An annotation also specifies that the outfit has 'zip-up pockets'.

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