Swimming at Long Bridges, Donnington and the Thames Backwater


Swimming at Long Bridges, Donnington and the Thames Backwater


Andrew Brough recalls his father's and his own experiences river swimming and the changes to the riverside landscape at Donnington.


Recorded 22nd July 2023


Andrew: Yeah, my parents were very keen swimmers, ‘cause they lived by the river, umm…I think my Father learned to swim in Long Bridges –

Interview: Right.

Andrew: - down the river. He was born in 1929 [pause] and there was no bridge at all at the end of Donnington Lane. Uhh, there was a ferry, and there was a tea house there, and there was Long Bridges. Umm, then eventually there was a footbridge put over there. I can remember the footbridge, as a child. And… eventually another road was built across and it was called Donnington Bridge Road. I’ve swum extensively round there, umm… because I used to go to the riverside centre at Donnington Bridge, canoeing and exploring. And we swam a lot, did a lot of snorkeling in the Thames and Backwater, which is the original route of the Thames. So if you’re looking for old things, go to the Backwater. I’ve got some in my bag [laughs].

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