Swimming costumes and swimming caps


Swimming costumes and swimming caps


Looking at a photograph of herself and her peers, Jenny recalls the swimming costumes and swimming caps that they wore.


Interviewer: Can you tell me a bit about what you’re wearing and your different costumes and what you would-

Jenny: Oh, they were very glamorous, um, Lynn’s was a lot more glamourous than mine. We wore, um, swimming hats that you – you got all your hair together - I wouldn’t wear one, I still don’t wear a hat. Um, and they would be as tight as anything, and then you’d buckle them up under your chin. Lynn’s is a good- Lynn and Ange, yeah – they’ve got one, Jan hasn’t got one on, I haven’t got one on and the boys didn’t. [Pause] But they were hilarious, I mean you could get ‘em on and they pulled your hair and it’s supposed to keep your hair dry, but I never wore one.

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