Blank river and bathing spot plans (My Pool or Yours?)



Blank river and bathing spot plans (My Pool or Yours?)


Hand-drawn plans of Parson's Pleasure, Long Bridges and Tumbling Bay river swimming spots, used as part of the My Pool or Yours? workshop held at the Museum of Oxford on 22nd July 2023. The plans are blank, ready to be annotated by participants of the workshop who were asked to imagine what their 'ideal' versions of these existing bathing spots might look like.


22nd July 2023

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3 hand-drawn plans of river bathing sites.

1. Parson's Pleasure. The River Cherwell is drawn, outlined in blue, and annotated. It is surrounded by top-down drawings of trees (green) and the basic infrastructure at Parson's Pleasure is shown towards the bottom of the river in brown.

2.Long Bridges. The river Thames is shown, outlined in blue. There is a fork in the river. Top down view of trees, drawn with a green outline. The basic infrastructure on the banks of the river is marked in brown.

3. Tumbling Bay. The large buildings and infrastructure at Tumbling Bay is outlined in brown. The water pools between the buildings are outlined in blue. The river, outlined in blue, takes up the top half of the map.


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