Visions of the future for bathing places in Oxford (My Pool or Yours?)



Visions of the future for bathing places in Oxford (My Pool or Yours?)


Photographs of participants ideas for the future of Tumbling Bay, Long Bridges and Parson's Pleasure bathing places from the My Pool or Yours? workshop (held at the Museum of Oxford on 22nd July 2023 as part of the Dive In! exhibition programme).


22nd July 2023

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Six photographs.

1. A plan for Long Bridges bathing place, which has been annotated with bits of paper delineating new features along the river that would improve the space. Post-it notes are stuck to the plan which have writing on them, presumably detailing features.

2. An annotated plan of Parson's Pleasure bathing place displayed on a table, surrounded by craft materials. There are handwritten annotations directly on the plan, as well as cut up pieces of paper and felt delineating key features of the improved bathing place.

3. An annotated plan of Tumbling Bay bathing place displayed on a table and surrounded by craft materials and tools. The plan has handwritten annotations on it, including the labelling of the two pools as 'swim pool' and 'play pool. There are a number of 3D constructions made out of foam, card and paper that mark structures by the side of and in the river.

4. A white piece of paper with pink and yellow post-it notes appended to it, with ideas on the theme of 'Access' to bathing places written onto them. The post it notes read:

'Dramatic changes needed for controlled access'
'Strategic differences between large project and continued usage of existing sites'
'Council signage 'swim at your own risk''
'There is one specialist office for green/blue spaces = no capacity'
'Concrete/natural bank - depends on site. Tumbling bay has heritage'
'Recognising the history and story in place'
'Water quality posted on a website - physical signage - 'swimming at your own risk'
'If you don't have water testing - could be a barrier - parents could be nervous'
'Liability - organisational framework'
'Power relationships - council responsibility vs mutuality'
'Fences could make the space more dangerous - ability to see children etc.'
'No council strategy for [illegible] - site by site dependency and finances'

5. A mind map drawn on white paper with teal blue ink on people's ideas surrounding the theme of 'Safety vs Nature vs Leisure'. It is displayed on a table with crafting materials around and on top of it. Some key ideas from the map include: 'city beach', 'depth awareness', 'how does Europe do it? different legal culture?' and safety equipment.

6. A close-up view of the plan of Long Bridges bathing place, annotated with people's ideas of how it could be improved for the future. Along the banks of the river, marked out by yellow paper, are 'float ropes' for safety and in brown, steps and ramps for ingress and egress are marked. On the bank, marked by post-it notes, are changing spaces, one for men, one for women, and one for all genders. A 'wilder, more natural area' is marked out between the river fork.

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