Audience viewing presentation at the My Pool or Yours? workshop



Audience viewing presentation at the My Pool or Yours? workshop


Photographs of the participants of the My Pool or Yours? workshop viewing a presentation at the workshop and engaging in group discussion.


22nd July 2023

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Three photographs of people sat on chairs around three tables in a large room.

1. People turn in their chairs to face a presentation that is being projected onto the back wall of the room. The slide shows examples of outdoor swimming areas in different parts of the UK. One person is standing, giving the presentation.

2. The groups at the three tables are engaged in the activity on the tables: annotating plans of bathing spaces in Oxford with their ideas for how they could be improved. The tables have brightly coloured patterned table cloths on them and crafting paraphernalia (paper, highlighter pens, glue sticks etc.). The presentation is paused on a slide which reads 'Parson's Pleasure' and has an aerial view of the bathing place.

3. The room and groups from a different angle. In the foreground, five people are sat around the table discussing animatedly. There are craft things on their table. The other two tables and their groups can also be seen in the photograph, as can the slide reading 'Parson's Pleasure'.

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